The Sip Collection

  • Heineken Silver 330ml

    To create its extra-refreshing taste, Heineken® Silver is brewed using an ice-cold lagering process at -1° C. The result? An accessible & unique 4% premium lager with a crisp and subtle finish with the signature fruit aroma of Heineken® Original, that everyone can enjoy. Now, that’s Extra Crisp, Extra Smooth.

  • Heineken Silver 4x(6x330ml) NRB Tray

    To create its extra-refreshing taste, Heineken® Silver is brewed using an ice-cold lagering process at -1° C. The result? An accessible & unique 4% premium lager with a crisp and subtle finish with the signature fruit aroma of Heineken® Original, that everyone can enjoy. Now, that’s Extra Crisp, Extra Smooth.

  • Heineken Silver 4x(6x440ml) CAN Tray


    To create its extra-refreshing taste, Heineken® Silver is brewed using an ice-cold lagering process at -1° C. The result? An accessible & unique 4% premium lager with a crisp and subtle finish with the signature fruit aroma of Heineken® Original, that everyone can enjoy. Now, that’s Extra Crisp, Extra Smooth.

  • Heineken (6x440ml)

    Availability: Out of Stock

    For over 150 years, a ceaseless commitment to purity and quality have made Heineken® the most iconic beer brand in the world. When you see the red-star on the green bottle, you know every ice-cold, crisp sip will deliver that richly satisfying flavor with subtle fruity notes. A tradition of taste that his lived on for over a century and a half thanks to the simplicity and quality of the ingredients and the meticulous attention to the brewing process.

  • Heineken Lager 4x(6x440ml) CAN Tray


    For over 150 years, a ceaseless commitment to purity and quality have made Heineken® the most iconic beer brand in the world. When you see the red-star on the green bottle, you know every ice-cold, crisp sip will deliver that richly satisfying flavor with subtle fruity notes. A tradition of taste that his lived on for over a century and a half thanks to the simplicity and quality of the ingredients and the meticulous attention to the brewing process.

  • Heineken 0.0 (6x330ml)


    Our master brewers started from zero and spent years exploring, brewing, and tasting before they finally created a recipe defined by its refreshing fruity notes and soft malty body – perfectly balanced. One that deserves the Heineken mark. Of course, with the uncompromising Heineken characteristics since 1873: made with top ingredients and Heineken’s unique A-Yeast. It wasn’t easy, but not impossible.