The Sip Collection

  • Viceroy Potstill 10yo 750ml


    The Viceroy Ten-year-old is what comes out when craftsmanship meets character and patience.
    Traditionally double-distilled for at least 10 years, this drink is a treat enjoyed best neat, with ice or a dash of water.

    It is exceptionally smooth and enriched with the aromas of red berries and a taste that evokes notes of tobacco malt and coffee.

    Alcohol content: 38%

  • Viceroy 5yo 750ml


    If versatility is what you are looking for, then Viceroy Five-year- old is the drink you are looking for. This blended brandy boasts
    aromas of toffee, balanced by a distinctly ripe apricot character and undertone of sweet spice.

    Meant for any-occasion drinking with friends and family, Viceroy Five-year-old can be enjoyed either neat, with water or with a mixer such as ginger ale.

    Alcohol content: 43%

  • Richelieu International 750ml


    The art of rich, rewarding brandy begins with an elegant-tasting glass of Richelieu International.

    With aromas reminiscent of ripe plums and prunes, vanilla, mocha and almonds – this French favourite has a refreshing, full-bodied flavour on the palate with a smooth, clean and dry finish. Its mellow maturity flows from years in casks of French oak, with richness derived from the fine art of the distinct French copper pot distillation. Capturing the prestige of contemporary France, we’ve combined breeding, purity, mellowness and maturity to produce a rich and rewarding, full-bodied brandy.

    We recommend mixing Richelieu International French style with a South African twist – that means with a splash of something sweet.

  • Richelieu International (Oval) 1l


    The art of rich, rewarding brandy begins with an elegant-tasting glass of Richelieu International.

    With aromas reminiscent of ripe plums and prunes, vanilla, mocha and almonds – this French favourite has a refreshing, full-bodied flavour on the palate with a smooth, clean and dry finish. Its mellow maturity flows from years in casks of French oak, with richness derived from the fine art of the distinct French copper pot distillation. Capturing the prestige of contemporary France, we’ve combined breeding, purity, mellowness and maturity to produce a rich and rewarding, full-bodied brandy.

    We recommend mixing Richelieu International French style with a South African twist – that means with a splash of something sweet.

  • Richelieu 10yo Vintage 750ml


    As with all things French, only the finest will do – which is why we use only meticulously selected grapes to create Richelieu 10 Year Old Brandy.

    A drink that embodies French finesse with every sip, Richelieu 10 Year Old boasts a full-bodied bouquet and a smooth, oaky finish. Complex and full-bodied on the palate, with aromas of chocolate, vanilla and green fig preserve – each sip is followed by flavours of hazelnut and roasted coffee. Matured for no less than 10 years, this vintage brandy gets its mellow maturity from spending a decade in only the finest French oak barrels, and its purity from the fine art of French copper pot distillation.

    Add a dash of water to enhance the beautiful aromas and flavours, or pour this brandy neat over a few blocks of ice to enjoy the taste of contemporary joie de vivre. That’s uninterrupted, blissful happiness to you and me.