The Sip Collection

Showing all 4 results

  • Durbanville Hills Shiraz (6 x 750 ml)


    Tasting Notes

    NOSE: A fresh bouquet of fresh plums, spicey cloves, and white pepper with a dash of ripe strawberries.

    TASTE: An elegant, medium-bodied red wine that displays prominent ripe strawberry flavours with a spicey white pepper and baking spice undertone.

    Food Pairing

    This wine is perfectly paired with all styles of venison dishes, oxtail, Moroccan tagine, and flavourful cheeses such as Boerenkaas, Gruyere, Munster, and Pecorino.

  • Durbanville Hills Shiraz Light 750ml


    Dark chocolate with hints of toffee, sweet spice that reminds of Christmas fruit cake, plums and prunes.

    Delicate, full-bodied wine with dark sweet fruit, an elegant tannin structure and hints of sweet spice in the background.

  • Zonnebloem Shiraz/Mourvedre/Viognier 750ml

    Zonnebloem is a brand that stands for craftsmanship in all its forms.
    From the Stellenbosch farms that produce our grapes who use the earth as their canvas to create the fruit which lends our wines their rich, distinctive character; to the winemakers who use the skills they have learned and developed over generations to produce the rich varietals and blends that make up the Zonnebloem stable.

  • Zonnebloem Shiraz 750ml


    Zonnebloem is a brand that stands for craftsmanship in all its forms.
    From the Stellenbosch farms that produce our grapes who use the earth as their canvas to create the fruit which lends our wines their rich, distinctive character; to the winemakers who use the skills they have learned and developed over generations to produce the rich varietals and blends that make up the Zonnebloem stable.