The Sip Collection

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  • Three Ships Bourbon Cask 750ml

    Three Ships Whisky is boldly matured under the South African sun, inspiring globally award-winning Whisky. Proudly South African, the whisky is crafted by a dedicated team at The James Sedgwick Distillery, with passion, innovation, and tenacity.

    This Bourbon Cask whisky is crafted from the finest South African grain and malt whiskies. Distilled in both copper pot and column stills, the whisky is matured in a combination of older and  younger ex-Bourbon American oak casks for a minimum of three years. The warm South African climate accelerates maturation, resulting in an exceptionally smooth whisky.

    Colour: Light golden
    Nose: Inviting vanilla, dried apricots, hazelnuts and digestive biscuit aromas.
    Palate: The upfront sweet vanilla and caramel notes are balanced by subtle white pepper, nuts, cinnamon, banana, and marmalade.
    Finish: The whisky is incredibly smooth with a lingering sweet, spicy finish.
    Serving Suggestion: Enjoy on the rocks, with a dash of water or your favourite soda.
    Alcohol content: 43% ABV
    Pack sizes: 750 ml

    The Three Ships Whisky target consumer is measured in approach, but never boring. They have their feet on the ground, are focused on their future and building a career, while still living life to the fullest.
    They celebrate South Africa’s unique flavour and love to support local products.

  • Three Ships Whisky 21yo Millennium

    Crafting the first-ever 21-year-old Three Ships Whisky took insight, innovation and – above all – patience. While the earth travelled around the sun 21 times over 21 years, the precious liquid that would become Three Ships Millennium bided its time.
    Now finally, the dark amber colouring and rich taste with a soft and spicy finish is ready to be revealed to the handful of whisky lovers fortunate enough to experience it. Crafted by Master Distiller Andy Watts, and matured by the South African sun over
    21 years.

    On the eve of the millennium, Master Distiller Andy Watts had the vision and foresight to begin the creation of what would become the first-ever 21-year-old Three Ships Whisky. The liquid rested in ex-bourbon American Oak casks for 10 years, 300-litre hogsheads for five; then Oloroso casks, before finally back to aged ex-bourbon oak.

    Colour: Rich dark amber.
    Nose: Nutmeg, roasted nuts, sherry sweetness, coffee, whole dried coriander, earthy with whiffs of sea breeze saltiness.
    Palate: Warm with peppery, savoury aromas and lingering nutmeg and spice.
    Finish: Salty with an impressive softness of spice and deilcate sweetness.
    Alcohol content: 51.8% ABV.
    Pack sizes: 750ml in a gift box.
    Limited edition: Only 1 202 bottles released.

  • Three Ships Whisky 12yo Double Wood Blend

    Three Ships Whisky 12-Year-Old Double Wood Blend is the sixth limited edition released as part of the Master’s Collection.

    Our Master Distiller, Andy Watts, matured the whisky in double wood, the malt component over a 12 years in American oak and seasoned Amontillado casks. The grain spent 12 years in a combination of younger and older American oak and seasoned Amontillado casks. Although a drier style, the use of seasoned Amontillado casks imparted a wonderful sweet nuttiness to this impressive double matured blend of grain and malt whisky.

    Limited edition: Only 2 670 bottles released.

    Colour: Reminiscent of a Highveld sunset as the sun dips behind the rolling grasslands.
    Nose: An unravelling of toffee apple, nuts, lemon zest, marmalade, banana, dried fruit and coconut shavings.
    Palate: Incredible combination of citrus, slight spice and cinnamon with salted peanuts
    coats the mouth.
    Finish: A long, lingering, softly spiced and delicately sweet finish.

  • Three Ships Mash Tun


    In July 2021, Three Ships Whisky is launching a lower 24% ABV product called Three Ships Mash Tun.

    The Mash Tun at any distillery works hard and for good reason! It’s the place where malt, water and heat meet. Its also the place that mirrors the dedication, hard work and innovation of the people at the James Sedgwick Distillery in Wellington.

    Mellowed in wood, enhanced with flavours of vanilla, toasted oak, maple, orange and cinnamon for an exceptionally smooth finish.

    Best enjoyed neat on the rocks or mixed with your choice of soda or cola, ideally under South African skies.

  • Three Ships Whisky 11yo Single Malt Shiraz Cask Finish

    The fifth collectable, special release Three Ships Whisky 11-Year-Old Single Malt Shiraz Cask Finish is 51.4% in ABV. Both smooth and complex, drawing signature spices and fruity aromas from the seasoned Shiraz casks to balance and round off the peaty character of the single malt.

    Andy first matured single malt whisky in American Oak barrels for eight years before finishing it in seasoned Shiraz oak casks for another three years. The warm South African climate accelerates maturation, softening the whisky at an earlier age.



    Colour: Inviting rose gold.

    Nose: Harmonious interplay of cherries, roasted nuts, Christmas fruit cake, smoky barbequed meat, and subtle orange.

    Palate: Juicy with plush red fruit, cloves, white pepper, liquorice, treacle, raisins and warm peat.

    Finish: Remarkably complex, the mouth feel is warm and lingering with subtle peat and a savoury, smooth finish.

  • Three Ships Mash with Glass Gift


    In July 2021, Three Ships Whisky is launching a lower 24% ABV product called Three Ships Mash Tun.

    The Mash Tun at any distillery works hard and for good reason! It’s the place where malt, water and heat meet. Its also the place that mirrors the dedication, hard work and innovation of the people at the James Sedgwick Distillery in Wellington.

    Mellowed in wood, enhanced with flavours of vanilla, toasted oak, maple, orange and cinnamon for an exceptionally smooth finish.

    Best enjoyed neat on the rocks or mixed with your choice of soda or cola, ideally under South African skies.

  • Three Ships Whisky Select With one Glass Gift

    The grain and malt components of the whisky were distilled in column (grain) and copper potstills and first matured separately in American Oak Casks before being blended.


    Colour: Pale Gold.

    Nose: Clean and inviting, the whisky opens up to light smoke and floral aromas.

    Palate: Fruity and fragrant, a dash of smoke and elegant oak.

    Finish: Incredibly well-balanced finish with subtle smoke and fruit.

  • Three Ships Single Malt 10yo 750ml


    South Africa’s first single malt was released in 2003 and 4 times thereafter. The 2007 vintage marks the third release of the Three Ships Whisky 10 Year Old single malt carrying a vintage statement – a true celebration of why different is worth doing.

  • Three Ships Select 750ml

    Since its first release over 40 years ago, the distinct, smooth taste of our Three Ships Whisky Select has evolved and matured for the modern whisky drinker’s everyday needs.

  • Three Ships Select 1l

    Since its first release over 40 years ago, the distinct, smooth taste of our Three Ships Whisky Select has evolved and matured for the modern whisky drinker’s everyday needs.

  • Three Ships Premium Select 5yo 750ml


    Our multiple award-winning Three Ships Whisky 5 Year Old Premium Select is a beautifully balanced, dignified whisky. This artful blend of grain and malt whiskies, crafted by Master Distiller, Andy Watts, is a tribute to the time Andy spent on the Isle of Islay where many years ago, he fell in love with the island and its iconic peaty whiskies. The whisky spends 5 years in oak developing its aromatic, full peaty and fruity character.