The Sip Collection

  • Windhoek Lager (12x330ml) NRB

    It’s been real. We’ve been hard at work revamping the Windhoek brand from the ground up. The first thing you’ll notice are the sleek, bold lines of the new packs, but don’t worry, it’s the same taste you love, brewed with only Barley, Hops and Water. That 100% realness underpins everything, because Windhoek is for the real you. Keep an eye on our socials for more.

  • Windhoek Lager 4x(6x330ml) NRB Tray

    Windhoek Lager, NBL’s biggest export brand, has a distinctive, hoppy flavour and crisp aftertaste resulting from a longer brewing time. This 100% pure premium lager is brewed using malted barley, hops, water and nothing else.

  • Windhoek Lager (6X440ml) NRB


    It’s been real. We’ve been hard at work revamping the Windhoek brand from the ground up. The first thing you’ll notice are the sleek, bold lines of the new packs, but don’t worry, it’s the same taste you love, brewed with only Barley, Hops and Water. That 100% realness underpins everything, because Windhoek is for the real you. Keep an eye on our socials for more.

  • Windhoek Lager 4x(6x440ml) CAN Tray


    Windhoek Draught is an easy-drinking beer, perfect for sharing and socialising. It is brewed smooth using malted barley, hops, water and nothing else.

  • Heineken Silver 330ml

    To create its extra-refreshing taste, Heineken® Silver is brewed using an ice-cold lagering process at -1° C. The result? An accessible & unique 4% premium lager with a crisp and subtle finish with the signature fruit aroma of Heineken® Original, that everyone can enjoy. Now, that’s Extra Crisp, Extra Smooth.

  • Heineken Silver 4x(6x330ml) NRB Tray

    To create its extra-refreshing taste, Heineken® Silver is brewed using an ice-cold lagering process at -1° C. The result? An accessible & unique 4% premium lager with a crisp and subtle finish with the signature fruit aroma of Heineken® Original, that everyone can enjoy. Now, that’s Extra Crisp, Extra Smooth.

  • Heineken Silver 4x(6x440ml) CAN Tray


    To create its extra-refreshing taste, Heineken® Silver is brewed using an ice-cold lagering process at -1° C. The result? An accessible & unique 4% premium lager with a crisp and subtle finish with the signature fruit aroma of Heineken® Original, that everyone can enjoy. Now, that’s Extra Crisp, Extra Smooth.

  • Heineken Lager 4x(6x440ml) CAN Tray


    For over 150 years, a ceaseless commitment to purity and quality have made Heineken® the most iconic beer brand in the world. When you see the red-star on the green bottle, you know every ice-cold, crisp sip will deliver that richly satisfying flavor with subtle fruity notes. A tradition of taste that his lived on for over a century and a half thanks to the simplicity and quality of the ingredients and the meticulous attention to the brewing process.

  • Heineken 0.0 (6x330ml)


    Our master brewers started from zero and spent years exploring, brewing, and tasting before they finally created a recipe defined by its refreshing fruity notes and soft malty body – perfectly balanced. One that deserves the Heineken mark. Of course, with the uncompromising Heineken characteristics since 1873: made with top ingredients and Heineken’s unique A-Yeast. It wasn’t easy, but not impossible.

  • Cruz Vintage Black Gift Pack 750ml


    The super premium handcrafted vodka remains true to its state of the art five times distillation, triple charcoal filtration process using the finest American winter grain.

    The pure liquid is then blended with the purest water, emanating from meters below the earth’s surface, resulting in a vodka of intense purity and exceptional smoothness.

  • Savanna Dry NRB 12 x 500ml


    Savanna Premium Cider first Siyavanna’d in 1996. Damn, we’re older than Black Twitter. But you know in 27 years you lay down a lot of roots. And like the trees our apples are grown on, our roots go deep. Which means though a lot has changed since ’96 – the way we bring Savanna to the people hasn’t, and never will. Because Siyavanna South Africa.

  • Old Buck Gin Classic Blush 750ml


    Layered with floral flavours of rose and elderflower. Subtle juniper undertones on the palate leave a refreshing, dry finish.

  • Old Buck Dry Gin 750ML


    Old Buck Gin is one of South Africa’s most distinguished and best-loved gins. At the 2010 International Wine and Spirit Competition, Old Buck Gin won a Gold Medal and was judged ‘Best in Class’.

    Old Buck Gin is characterised by a distinctive juniper flavour.

  • Bernini Amber 500ml Cans case


    Bernini Amber is a real sparkling spritzer made from wine in the orange Rosé wine style with hints of peach and apricot and delicate bubbles. Orange Rosé wines are created using white grapes with their skins on for a deeper colour.

    Bernini Amber has a 4,5% alcohol volume and is best served cold.

    Available in 275ml bottles, 500ml and 300ml cans.

    Store in a cool dry place away from extreme conditions of light, heat and cold.

    Bottles can be stored unopened in original packaging and under controlled storage conditions for 12 months and cans for 8 months.

  • Bernini Amber NRB 275ml case


    Bernini Amber is a real sparkling spritzer made from wine in the orange Rosé wine style with hints of peach and apricot and delicate bubbles. Orange Rosé wines are created using white grapes with their skins on for a deeper colour.

    Bernini Amber has a 4,5% alcohol volume and is best served cold.

    Available in 275ml bottles, 500ml and 300ml cans.

    Store in a cool dry place away from extreme conditions of light, heat and cold.

    Bottles can be stored unopened in original packaging and under controlled storage conditions for 12 months and cans for 8 months.

  • Bernini Classic 500ml Cans case


    Bernini Classic is a real sparkling spritzer made from wine in the White wine style with hints of honey and muscat and delicate bubbles. A White wine is mainly from white grapes, which are green or yellow skinned and both fresh and sweet.

    Bernini Classic has a 4.5% alcohol by volume and is best served cold.

    Available in 275ml bottles, 500ml and 300ml cans.

    Store in a cool dry place away from extreme conditions of light, heat and cold.

    Bottles can be stored unopened in original packaging and under controlled storage conditions for 12 months and cans for 8 months.